Knee replacement surgery is a surgical treatment where damaged parts of knee joint(distal femur & proximal Tibia) are replaced by artificial implants. The Need for a knee surgery can be cooperatively taken by you and your orthopedic surgeon after complete examination. Consider the following before deciding to for a Total Knee replacement
What is Arthritis ?
Arthritis is Infection/inflammation of joint. Arthritis can be Inflammatory, infective, post-traumatic, osteoarthritis ETC, of which Osteoarthritis is most common age related problem and its a irreversible disorder i.e. once joints are damaged they cannot be restored to normal by medical management and Knee replacement is the only solution for that.

What are the surgical options other than Knee Replacement?
High Tibial Osteotomy-Only For Young Patients Proximal Fibular Osteotomy-For both Young & old age group Both above mentioned procedure are Helpful in slowing down the progression of arthritis rather than curing it & are effective only when arthritis is in the mid stage once it enters into the terminal stage the only option left is Knee Replacement.

What are the types of Knee Replacements?
UKR-Unicompartmental Knee Replacement TKR- Total Knee Replacement.

Which type of Knee Replacement is better UKR vs TKR?
It all depends upon the involvement of joint by arthritis UKR is best suited for isolated Medial OA with correctible varus deformity while TKR is for bicompartmental arthritis.